Welcome to Achievement! I am your host and webmistress, Kovitlac,
or Kovi, if you like. This here is a Petz site created for the simple purpose of keeping all my catz and dogz
currently showing up to date for anyone to see. Since things can get rather hectic around any of my regular sites, I'll be
keeping track of my show petz, their points, and their titles here.
In addition to my listed petz winners I also have litters, bred from my petz, available for the
public from time to time. Check back often, for I tend to get these little impusles, and could go into a breeding
frenzy at any time;-)
Don't forget to also check out my current Service Dogz, bred by me (unless stated), and trained
by reputable trainers! Also see the brand new WANTED section to find out how YOU can get credit in the training/showing of
these fantastic petz!
So enough explaining! On to the petz! Choose anywhere listed in the navigation to the left. Thank
you, and enjoy your visit to Achievement!
Click here to vote for Skittles at KittenWar!
Please no flaming. Site advertisements are fine but you have to leave me a nice note to go with it;-)
And try to keeping the chat-speak to a minimum... i cud bearly uderstand u wen u typ lyk dis;-) Thanks.

Highest Record Currently Held:
L. Quicksilver's Phantasmagoric at 646pts.
Limbo is less then 200pts. away from earning her Legend title!!
Wow, back from another long break! I will be working on adding a page that lists all
my dogz in alphabetical order (by call name), so that they are easier to find if you are looking for a specific dog.
Also, Limbo is rising in titles, and has just birthed a new litter of pups! So has Stranger,
one of my more up-and-coming female Shepherds. So look for some new litters by them, soon!
Limbo has achieved her Reserved Legend Champion title!
Been steadily showing Roxie, Limbo, Rustle, Chenille, Fairchild and Tibalt. Also began showing two of my new felines, Life and Milo. Due to not having a whole lot of time to show, I'll be gladly accepting
anyone who shows an interest in showing some of my catz/dogz for me. All the above are available except for Limbo (see their
respective pages for information on each). All dogz are GSDs and require the Java breed file.
See this page for more information.
My apologies for the extended hiatus. Been busy with my sophmore year of college and
trying to get on the Dean's List. Progress will be a little slow, as my Dogz5 game is not installing on my new laptop. I'll
be breeding some GSDs for adoption when I go home for Christmas Break on the 21st.
In other news, Roxie has achieved her GCh. title:)