You enter the largest room you've come across,
yet. Metal pens are spread out all over the floor, each one containing from 1 to 4 gorgeous Collie pups. The young puppies
bark and tumble as the play together. A sign on the wall reads:
Welcome to Alabaster's Collie Adoption Center. Each one of the lovely
pups you see here is available for you to own. Just obey the following rules and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
-No adopting my dogz, then just turning
around and adopting them out. If you change your mind about keeping a dog, either return it to me, or find another responsible
owner who you know will take good care of the dog. THIS DOES NOT MEAN PUTTING THE DOG UP FOR DOWNLOAD! OR PUTTING IT UP ON
-You MUST keep 'Quicksilver' in the dogz'
prefix. If you end up giving the dog away, they must keep my profix as well.
-Only 4 dogz allowed per week, per owner,
unless otherwise stated.
-Put 'spiffi' somewhere in your email so
I know that you have read my rules.
-I have to right to refuse you any adoptions
if you are an irresponsible owner (I.E. If I caught you stealing my dogz pictures, ect.) or if your application is very poor.
-Please, please, please no 'chat speak' in your application. U wudnt
spek lyk this wile appling 4 a job, wud u? Decent spelling/grammar is all I'm asking for.
-This isn't first some, first served. If I happen to get another application
for the same dog it goes to who I feel will be the best owner.
-Site (optional)
-Why you want my dog/z (at least
3-4 sentences. More is always better;-))
Thank you, and onto the Adoptions Center!